Where Do Materials Diverted from Landfill Go from the University?

The end location of each material leaving the University depends on what it is.

Single Stream Recycling

Picked up by Republic and goes to a regional Material Recovery Facility (MRF), which is responsible for receiving, sorting, and selling collected materials.


Picked up by AgRecycle and are taken to their commercial composting facility in Washington County, Pennsylvania.


After being properly decommissioned by Pitt Surplus, the University’s electronics waste is responsibly handled by eLoop.


Piloting diversion in Housekeeping to waste to energy facilities via the University’s hazardous waste contract. Select laboratories divert via TerraCycle.


While compostable coffee pods are used in offices across campus, those using non-compostable K-Pods can send them back to Keurig via mail at no cost. Keurig separates them, recycling the plastic and foil and and composting the coffee grounds.

Medicine & Pharmaceuticals

Properly disposed by third-party incineration.


Are diverted back into the circular economy by our textile recycling partner and their network.

Where to Recycle on Campus

Find Off-Campus Recycling Resources

Still Have Questions?

Email zerowaste@pitt.edu