
We will advance the frontier of knowledge and make a positive impact on the world through collaborative and multi-disciplinary approaches to sustainability-related research that focuses on areas of great social and environmental need.

2018 Goals & Aspirations

  • CELEBRATE: Raise the visibility of faculty research in sustainability. 
  • COLLABORATE: Provide more opportunities and incentives for interdisciplinary research as well as the bridging of academics and operations – promoting an environment of informing and working together. 
  • LIVING LAB: Use the Pitt campus as a living laboratory for faculty and students to implement new ideas and study outcomes over time.  Learn more.
  • FUNDRAISE: Raise external funds for endowed chair(s) to support faculty with research expertise in sustainability. 
  • ENDOWED RESEARCH: Develop an endowed seed grant fund to provide greater opportunities for sustainability-focused federal grants. 
  • SCHOLARSHIPS: Increase prestigious scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate research in sustainability. 

Learn how we’re advancing on these goals.