Commuting to Campus

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from commuter travel 50% by 2030. You can help Pitt achieve this goal by choosing shared and/or active transportation options when traveling to campus.

Fare-Free Public Transportation

All Pitt students and employees ride Pittsburgh Regional Transit fare free with your Pitt ID (Panther card)! Just hop on a bus and tap!

Pittsburgh Regional Transit provides transit service throughout Allegheny County, including Oakland and and the City of Pittsburgh.

bus stop sign

Many bus lines that run through Pitt’s campus to other neighborhoods. Routes commonly used by Pitt riders include the 54, 58, 61A, 61B, 61C, 61D, 67, 69, 71A, 71B, 71C, 71D, 75, 81, 83, 93, & P3.

Use Transit App, check PRT’s online schedules, and/or get a printed schedule at Pitt’s Parking & Transportation office.

Pitt Shuttle

Pitt Shuttle : In addition to Pittsburgh Regional Transit, students may also use Pitt Shuttle routes connecting through Oakland and other neighborhoods.


From bike rentals to rack locators, the University of Pittsburgh is committed to making bike riding a convenient and accessible transportation choice. Find more information below for all of the ways Pitt supports bikes on campus.

The University of Pittsburgh is a Silver-ranked Bicycle Friendly University by the League of American Cyclists.

Bike Share: Pitt students and employees have access to unlimited free 30 minute rides via POGOH bike share.


Walking is a carbon-free mode of commuting — and uses the least amount of street space.

Walking can save time and money, while helping you get exercise in as part of getting to and moving around campus.

Learn more.

Parking on or Near Campus

If you do need to drive to campus: